About me

Real name: Nathaniel Peterson

What everyone calls me: Thad


Personal status: Married with 2 kids (boys, ages 12 and 10)

City of birth: Seattle


Where I live: Framingham, MA


Things I enjoy in my leisure time: Hanging out with my kids, cycling, skiing, photography/videography, hockey, hoops, mountain biking, drifting off to sleep while reading books.


Things I wish I was a better at: Singing, drawing, shooting free throws, jumping, penmanship, coding, sleeping, twirling a pen around my finger, remembering jokes, saying no to a second helping of food.


A few things that might make you think I'm pretty cool:

  • Founded and run You Can't Fake Sweat
  • Co-founded of an awesome startup -- KangoGift.com
  • Ran the Boston Marathon and rode the PMC a few times
  • Proposed to my wife in Zermatt
  • Was a kayak guide in Juneau, Alaska
  • Have met a sitting president, a few governors, Gordy Howe, Jimmy Buffett and... Jimmy "Superfly" Snooka!

A few things that will assure you that I'm not cool at all:

  • Live at the end of a cul-de-sac
  • Could drop 40 pounds and still nobody would accuse me of being skinny
  • Was obsessed with the show Nashville
  • Have known most of my best friends since junior high school
  • Have almost zero expectation of going out on weekend nights (this is being written on a Saturday night, in fact)
  • Secretly can't get enough of Justin Bieber's Love Yourself

My core values:

Here are my personal rules of the road when it comes to how I live my life. I can't say I always stick to them, but I try :)

  • Be helpful.
  • Don't be afraid to fail.
  • Boil things down to their essence.
  • Never stick too closely to recipes.
  • Enjoy the journey.
  • When in doubt, consider which will be the path of least regret.